Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Project 365 - Week 3 "Toys-ish"

Here we are post week 3. I have to first apologize for the delay getting these photos up. I was out of town this weekend on a little vacation in Pinetop. This is also the reason for the last photo not fitting in with the rest of the series. Anyways, I had a blast working on this weeks themes. I knew when I took the first days photo and it freaked out my wife that I was onto a good series.

The series was interesting on a technical aspect, as I used a single light and took several photos of the same scene with the light coming from several different angles. From there it was a matter of blending the shots to get the final image. It was fun and frustrating. Often times I had to reshoot to get what I needed. If anything, this was a fun week in that I got to be a kid again and play with toys.

Day 15 - "My Precious"

Day 16 - "What Could be Worse, Snakes?"

Day 17 - "No Speed Traps on Endor"

Day 18 - "The Seductress"

Day 19 - "Just Beware of the Claw"

Day 20 - "The Darker Side"

Day 21 - "Say Hello to My Little Friend"

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Project 365 - Week 2 "Food"

Mmmm, food. I myself am a food addict. Everyone that knows me knows that I am constantly on the hunt for anything and everything that is edible. My wife even calls me Hummer sometimes due to the fact that I live like a hummingbird, always having to eat. Its only fitting then that my theme for this week is food. Below are the shots that I collected throughout the week. Anything from the raw and uncooked to that perfectly paired glass of wine.

I have to give a major thanks to my wife as both chef and food modeler. Not only did the Goulash and dessert below taste great, but she helped also to assure that they looked great too. I was also able to convince her that the cookies were purely for photography purposes ;-)
Thank you Samantha.

Day 8 - "The Mountains of Madness"

Day 9 - "The Hungarian Mishmash"

Day 10 - "Rack 'Em Up"

Day 11 - "Steely Knives"

Day 12 - "Mango Volcano"

Day 13 - "Adults Can Whine Too"

Day 14 - "Breakfast Sunrise"

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Project 365 - Week 1

Well I just finished the first major achievement in Project 365. I've made it one through the first week of shooting. It had its ups and downs and was a good sign of the months to come. Some days were definitely a struggle when an idea didn't work out or I hesitated on what to do, which created a creative block. Others saw a clear as day shot that took me all of 10-15 minutes to get exactly what I wanted.

I'm super excited to see what else I can come up with. I look forward to my themed projects that I plan to squeeze into the big kahuna. Until then, here are all of my daily photos from this week.

Day 1 - "Flippin It Upside Down"

Day 2 - "Blue Allure"

Day 3 - "XYZPDQ"

Day 4 - "Lime Away"

Day 5 - "King of the Jungle"

Day 6 - "Down the Rabbit Hole"

Day 7 - "Rose Petals"

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Project "365"

Well hello everyone. So my Sunday has been a jumble of photography in my head. I've been thinking of ways to stimulate my creative juices and get them flowing. While surfing the web (I did actually have surf shorts on) I came across a photographer today who's work I thought was quite amazing. Her name is Anna Gay (http://www.annagayphotography.com/) and she is now in her second year of challenging herself by taking one photo every day (her first year was strictly self portraits). Her work is very inspiring and it motivated me to do my own 365 project.

Now, I'm not sure that I'm going to be doing self portraits everyday for the next year (I'm simply not that attractive), but I am thinking of doing themes for different weeks or months. This is a very daunting task to say the least. I've actually passed on it before, long ago, but decided today that I shall not fall victim to the fear I have towards such a large project.

With that said, I'm ready to dive into this project and see where it leads me. I've been excited all day about it and look forward to each day and photo to come. Without further ado I present to you the photo for Day One: "Flippin It Upside Down"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

West Valley Rose Fields

Hey everyone. Its been a couple of weeks due to some unfortunate photo shoot flops. I had intended a couple of shoots the past few weeks and one totally bombed and the other didn't really produce much. But, I'm not quite finished editing that set yet.

However, here we are with some new photos. Just the other night, we drove up to some rose fields that we have here in the west valley. After several trips by them, I finally figured lets just photograph them. So, perched on top off my car for an elevated shot, I snapped away several shots during sun set.

Before fully packing up, this will come back to bite me in the butt, we drove over to the site of an old German POW camp that was located in the west valley. All that remains is a small structure that has partially collapsed. Now, I had to learn the hard way to always double check my bag. This is because in my excitement to photograph the lot with the sun setting in the background, I took off running only to have my camera and telephoto lens fall out of my bag. Luckily, Canon makes some solid equipment, as nothing was broken and it all works. The small disaster was worth it though as I was very happy about the shot that I got.