Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Choose Wisely

Last week I posted a couple of photos and asked your opinion on which was the better of the two. It looks like you were on the same page as I was, because the photo that I submitted to the local paper was the same one that you chose. One comment really nailed it on the head as to my thoughts on the photo, " I like how it looks. Very sweet, like he loves his violin and is happy to be playing. It shows a relationship between the two." Thanks Renee. Anyways, here it is.

Now for this week I have another pair of photos. Same rules apply. I'm curious to know what your favorite of the two is. Leave your choice and any comments/thoughts that you have.


  1. #2 looks like she is trying to hide by showing her two hands covering her mouth.

    #1 is my vote becuase her eyes are very intense, but I like how you can see her lips and it looks like any moment she could break out into a smile.

  2. i like the mystery of photo #2 but i think photo #1 is a better composition, the hand is clearer and so is the fur.

  3. Def #1 cuz Sam has such pretty lips, one of her best facial features besides her eyes! It is a good thing she bought that fur:)

  4. since I'm the model, I vote for #2
