Monday, August 15, 2011

Pony Express - Day 1: Legs 27-35

Levi Hamilton

Our first day was drawing to an end. Levi Hamilton was drawing us ever closer to the small town of Cleator and we were looking forward to the change in scenery as we approached Crown King. Unknown to us at the time, Levi would take over as our driver for the second day. In the meantime, we watched as he rode effortlessly through one of the last legs of the day.

Gene Thale & Win Ames

Levi's hand off went to Win Ames and Gene Thale for what would be a combined two man, two leg stint. Like many of the riders on the journey, Win and Gene were close friends, both of which preferred to ride together for their back to back legs. Sometimes at a trot, sometimes at a walk, the two enjoyed conversation and the open desert leading into Cleator. A great thanks goes out to these two as through them, Jason and I were able to join in with the JC's on the Pony Express.

Once in Cleator we were on the home stretch. From the Cleator bar we headed out, climbing continuously to our destination. Along the way, word came down of an accident. Bryan Matock had his horse fall over onto him. Injured, but okay, Bryan would be unable to ride his leg. Dan Cole, trail boss for the year, took Bryan's leg knowing that two more legs lay ahead for him as well.

Rich Drake

A small break appeared for Dan. Rich Drake sat ready between Bryan's leg and Dan's own. Once the bags were passed to Rich, Dan loaded his horse into the trailer and drove ahead to prepare for his own leg. Rich waited patiently, when the road was open, he tore off, eager to make up lost time.

The mail bags ended back up into the possession of Dan Cole and he was once again off, continuing the steady climb to Crown King. It was at a turn in the rode that Larry Snipes waited for the final hand off of the day. Together Dan and Larry rode the final leg.

Larry Snipes

Worries arose with the rode as it became clear that Dan and Larry's horses were struggling with their footing. Oil had been poured to keep dust levels down, but for the horses, the mixture was similar to walking on ice. Thankfully, without any falls, we found ourselves under the cover of pines and the in the town of Crown King, our destination for the day. The entire town came out to greet the riders and cheer them along.

The town was very welcoming, throwing a large pot luck for everyone. With good food, the local band playing, and great people all around the night was a blast. But at some point we all had to retire away, as we had another full day ahead of us, our final destination being the Prescott Rodeo.

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