Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Arabian Horse Show

Every February Scottsdale hosts their annual Arabian Horse show. My wife and I always try to attend as it always falls on Valentines day and has become something of a tradition for us. Its a great event to go to, there is great food, tons of art, and oh, plenty of horses to watch. What makes it fun is the particular events: traditional, English riding, western, etc.

I've never been a big horse guy, not saying that I don't or haven't liked them. I've never really had the opportunity to be around them much. But over the last year or so, I've found myself in closer proximity to them and more often than I've ever been too. Maybe since horses are synonymous with the west and the fact that I live in Arizona has something to do with it. Regardless, I am finding myself enjoying and looking forward to opportunities in which I can photograph horses.

Something that's always kinda fun for me is when I get back from an event shoot like this. I didn't have anything in specific that I was looking to focus on and yet, as I edit, a theme becomes apparent. Without thinking about it, the bulk of my photos were focused on either the rider-horse relationship or the lines and form of the horses neck. It's fun to surprise yourself in the end with a theme that was unknown to you while you were actually shooting. Well, I hope that you enjoy and I hope to be pulling some new work together soon.

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