Monday, March 5, 2012

South Meyer Ave - By the Numbers

There's nothing like having a backlog of photos that you are working on while still going out and taking new ones. I'm hoping to balance new with some old and get myself caught up all at the same time. Today is a "part one" post. For those that make trips to Tucson or anyone seeking some amazingly colorful homes, I'd suggest making a drive through South Meyer Ave, located in the historic barrio, you guessed it, just south of downtown Tucson.

I didn't photograph the entire street of numbers and homes, but I decided today to start with just the house numbers. Its in part a tease for whats to come with the entryways. The homes are, needless to say, very bright and colorful, but so are the residents. We ran into a few of them, one of which, Jamie Williams, was a photographer herself (many of them are artists in fact). I stopped to talk with her for a bit and I have to say, she does some great commercial work, check out her site

I really had fun both photographing and editing this time around. Meyer Ave is a short street but its easy to wander about for a long time as there is so much color, art and detail to the small corner of the barrio.

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