So I've been working at trying to reorganize and sift through all of my photos, and for that matter my entire computer. In doing so I've come across some photos that I never posted for one reason or another. Often times, they just got lost as an individual or small collection amidst other sets or projects that I was working on to post. This particular photo was glossed over during our move into our house. My wife, Samantha, wanted me to take a photo of her design work in our previous apartment prior to packing and beginning our journey into our first house. Once in the house, the photo sat unedited during the maelstrom of changes that occurred until later in the summer, when I came across it and did some editing only to lose in again to larger projects like the Pony Express. Now I find myself staring at it on my desktop wondering why I have yet to post it. So here it is, seven months after the shutter clicked.